Monthly Archives: April 2017

15 New or Updated Areas Expanded

By | April 24, 2017

Wow, over the weekend I got a ton of new expansions requested. Today I am proud to announce that 15 new or existing areas have been expanded and will be turned on late this evening! New areas include: U Indy, Franklin Twp SE, Franklin Twp NW, Franklin Twp Wanamaker, North Meridian, Muncie Downtown, Camby, Mooresville,… Read More »

Oaklandon, Southport, Fountain Square, Yorktown, Muncie, Brazil, Columbus Expanded

By | April 21, 2017

Well, it has been growing fast. Trying to keep up with all the requests. There are still a few more possibilities and expansions coming but these 7 are up and running now or are starting very very soon. Shortcut to: FountainSquare – Shortcut to: SouthPort – Shortcut to: Yorktown – Shortcut to:… Read More »

Why I Love Running The Map

By | April 21, 2017

Who knew an unown spawn would bring people out playing pokemon after 10pm at night. And I know that because of my map and twitter notifications that I made this #unown #meetup possible! Thanks to Rocky for capturing the moment for me. One of these days I’ll run into one of you and I hope… Read More »

Frequent Spawns

By | April 21, 2017

How to find frequent spawn points using Map Full Stats. Written By: Ed R. One of the most useful items I’ve found on the map is the stats page. Pulling up the full map stats and viewing the location history for a Pokemon will give you a map of recent spawns for that Pokemon. For some… Read More »

Pokemon Stats IV

By | April 20, 2017

Pokemon stats appear to have been changed to be based on the specific account’s level. As such, pokemon stats gathered by my map probably wont make sense, so for now I will be turning off the IV stats gathering mechanism until an update has been released. More info:

New Expansions Complete for Brownsburg, Avon, and Anderson. More Coming!

By | April 20, 2017

Today I finished expanding the map to Brownsburg, Avon, and Anderson. These locations were sponsored by all of those who donated. If you would like an area scanned please read this post regarding donations. I have other locations I’m getting ready to expand to as well, some fully funded while others are only requests and need… Read More »

Donation Goal Explained

By | April 18, 2017

Thank You First of all I would like to thank everyone who has donated to help support the map since the beginning. I started the map about August of 2016 just for myself and then slowly started to share it with a few friends who still played Pokemon Go. In December it took a matter of seconds… Read More »

Plainfield Expansion Complete

By | April 17, 2017

After catching wind that I expanded to Greenfield I had a few others start making donations towards other cities. So without further delay, Plainfield has been expanded! I also have another area for Avon and Franklin Township ready once that area gets enough donations to meet the minimum. Here is the link directly to that scanned location.… Read More »

Greenfield Expansion Complete

By | April 13, 2017

I ran a quick promo for the trainers in Greenfield and within about 14 hours they donated the $50 minimum I requested to start the scanning. So without further delay Greenfield has been expanded! Here is the link directly to that scanned location. Below is the area that this scan covers. For everyone else, stay… Read More »

Map Updated

By | April 12, 2017

You may have found this site now since I updated the map and created a link. Before today it was still in general development but I wanted to get some good updates in here before linking to it. I am not very good about posting updates, especially long winded ones but feel free to check… Read More »